A Business Line of Credit could be just what your business needs to exceed. Some common uses are flooring inventory, bridging cash flow gaps, funding payroll or day to day operations. We offer lines of credit up to $150,000 with our quick and easy application process. Credit is revolving and you can draw down any amount at any time, as long as you don't surpass the maximum amount approved.
Instant Funding: Get money in your account instantly every time you make a withdrawal.
Only Pay For What You Borrow: Withdraw what you need, when you need it.
Revolving Credit: With on time payments, you only have to apply once for a line that funds replenish once you pay them back.
One Weekly Payment: Make one weekly payment on all withdrawals.
No Prepayment Penalties: Pay off your line of credit anytime you’d like, with no penalty or fee.
Business Credit Building: With diligent and on time payments we report to business credit bureaus, we build your business credit.